Many companies who are struggling with implementing key account management in their organizations. Many of these organizations have difficulty understanding what it truly is, why it is as important as any other business strategy that will help them grow their sales and profitability. So we asked Brian Smith to provide a little more in-depth perspective on the topic and he has graciously agreed to write a series of articles for this blog.
How Do I Get My Organization Focused on Key Account Management from Top to Bottom?
Posted on Fri, Feb 06, 2015
Tags: Strategic Account Management, Strategic Planning, marketing with limited resources, Lead Generation, Key Accounts
What is Key Account Management?
Posted on Fri, Jan 30, 2015
Many companies who are struggling, ask us about key account management, also referred to as strategic account management. They ask what it is and how can it help them grow their sales and profitability. So we asked Brian Smith to provide a little more in-depth perspective on the topic and he has graciously agreed to write a series of articles for this blog.
Tags: Strategic Account Management, Strategic Planning, Lead Generation
What Value Does Hubspot’s Prospect Tracking Tool Have?
Posted on Mon, Dec 03, 2012
For new Hubspot users the Prospect Tracking Tool may not seem to have a lot of value as the tool only gets down to the Internet Service Provider level. For example, when a prospect logs in at a location other than the office, it is probably going to log their visit as Verizon, Sympatico HSE or Starbucks. You may not be sure what you can do with that information or even if it has any value at all. It can be pretty vague.
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